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Statistics of Jncome
D[rD©(o)OifD(i Tfen
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Sendee
Publication 79 (10-84)
statistics of Income
Publications and Related Information
SOI Bulletin
(quarterly publication: $20.00 annual subcription, $5.50 single issue)
Contents, Vol. 4, No. 2, Fall 1984:
Controlled Foreign Corporations, 1980: A Geographical Perspective
Estate Tax Returns, 1 983
Nonresident Alien Income and Tax, 1982
Projections of Return Filings, Fiscal Years 1985-1992
Crude Oil Windfall Profit Tax, 1983
Contents, Vol. 4, No. 1, Summer 1984:
Taxpayer Usage of Forms 1 040,
1040A, and 1040EZ, 1983 Private Activity Tax-Exempt Bonds,
1983 Corporate Foreign Tax Credit, 1980 Sole Proprietorship Returns, 1982 Partnership Returns, 1982 Taxpayers Age 65 or Over, 1977-1981 Crude Oil Windfall Profit Tax, Third
Quarter, 1983
Contents, Vol. 3, No. 4, Spring 1984:
Tax Incentives for Saving
The Life Cycle of Individual Income
Tax Returns Investment Tax Credit for Individual
Taxpayers, 1981 Controlled Foreign Corporations,
1980 Partnership Employment and Payroll,
1979 Crude Oil Windfall Profit Tax, Second
Quarter, 1983
Published Regular Reports
Individual Income Tax Returns, 1982 Sole Proprietorship Returns, 1981 (60 pp., $3.00) Corporation Income Tax Returns,
1981 (142 pp., $5.50) Partnership Returns, 1980
(103 pp., $5.50)
Published Supplemental Reports
International Income and Taxes:
Foreign Income and Taxes Reported on U.S. Tax Returns, 1976-1979 (420 pp., $10.00)
Foreign Income and Taxes Reported on Individual Income Tax Returns, 1972-1978 (73 pp., $4.25)
Domestic International Sales Corporation Returns, 1972, 1973 and 1974 (192 pp., $6.00)
Foreign Tax Credit Claimed on Corporation Returns, 1974 (158 pp., $5.50)
U.S. Corporations and Their Controlled Foreign Corporations, 1974-1978 (165 pp., $6.00)
Sales of Capital Assets Reported on
Individual Income Tax Returns,
1973 (263 pp., $7.00) Individual Retirement Arrangements,
1976 (37 pp., $2.50) Individual Income Tax Returns,
Contents of Reports for
1967-1976 (15 pp., $1.50) Estate Tax Returns, 1976 (60 pp.,
$3.25) Private Foundations, 1974-1978
(113 pp., $4.75)
Selected Reports in Preparation
Corporation Income Tax Returns,
1982 Partnership Returns, 1978-1982 Individual Income Tax Returns,
1983 SOI Bulletin, Winter, 1984-1985 Sole Proprietorship Returns,
1978-1982 Compendium of Foreign Area
Statistics of Income
Studies, 1976-1982
Computer Files Available
Individual Tax Model File, 1966-1981 (Includes State Tax Model file, 1979-1981)
State Tax Model File, 1977-1981
Corporation Source Book, 1965-1976, and 1979-1981
Other tape files include: Estate Tax File, 1972, 1976 Private Foundations File, 1974 Employee Plans File, 1977 Exempt Organizations File, 1975
Microfilm Files Available
Corporation Source Book, 1977-1980
Ordering Information
Statistics of Income reports are for sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402
Public-use magnetic tape files are available on a reimbursable basis by writing to the Statistics of Income Division, Internal Revenue Service, Washington, DC 20224
Individual Income Tax Returns
Publication 79(10-84)
Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service
Roscoe L. Egger, Jr
M. Eddie Heironinnus
Associate Commissioner (Data Processing)
Stanley Goldtierg
Assistant Commissioner
(Returns and Information Processing)
Fritz Scheuren
Director, Statistics of Income Division
Lillie B. Dorsey
Chief, Individual Statistics Branch
This report contains data on sources of income, adjusted gross income, exemptions, deductions, taxable income, income tax, tax credits, self-employment tax, tax withheld, and tax payments. Included are data from a new form and a new schedule: Form 1040EZ, Income Tax Return for Single Filers with no Dependents, and Schedule W, Deduction for a Married Couple When Both Work. Classifications are by tax status, size of adjusted gross income, marital status, and form of deduction. Information on high income tax returns is contained in Section 5 of this report.
Additional unpublished information from individual income tax returns, classified by States and by size of adjusted gross income, is available on a reimbursable basis from the Internal Revenue Service, Statistics of Income Division. A public-use computer tape file — the Individual Tax Model File — containing the records selected for the Statistics of Income sample is also available on a reimbursable basis from the Statistics of Income Division. This file is suitable primarily for making national level estimates. Data are provided at the State level, however, for returns with adjusted gross income under $200,000.
Suggested Citation
Internal Revenue Service Statistics of Income— 1982 Individual Income Tax Returns U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, DC 1984
Library of Congress Card No. 61-37567
For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, DC 20402
October 2, 1984
The Honorable Donald T. Regan The Secretary of the Treasury Washington, DC 20220
Dear Mr. Secretary:
I am transmitting the complete report. Statistics of Income--1982, Individual Income Tax Returns. This report has been produced in accordance with the mandate of section 6108 of the Internal Revenue Code which requires the preparation and publication of statistics reasonably available with respect to the operation of the internal revenue laws.
The report, based on a sample drawn from the 95.3 million returns filed during Calendar Year 1983, presents information on taxpayers' income, exemptions, deductions, credits, and tax. These statistics reflect changes in the composition of income and computation of individual income tax effective for Tax Year 1982 under the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981.
Classifications used include size of adjusted gross income and marital status. Separate statistics are provided on returns with itemized deductions. There is an entire section devoted to high income returns, both taxable and nontaxable. In addition, statistics showing the number of 1040EZ returns and the income and tax amounts reported on them are presented in this report.
With kind regards.
Department of ttie Treasury Internal Revenue Service III
Description of SOI Bulletin v
Guide to Tables vil
Section 1
Introduction and Changes in Law:
Requirements for Filing 1
Number of Returns and Sources of Income 2
Itemized Deductions 3
Computation of Tax 3
Geographic Coverage 6
Changes in Law 9
Administrative IRS Changes 14
Section 2
Sources of the Data, Description of the Sample and Limitations of the Data:
Sample Selection 15
Sample Design and Selection Criteria 15
Method of Estimation 17
Sampling Variability and Confidence Intervals 17
Processing and Management of the Sample 18
Section 3
Basic Tables:
Part 1 — Returns Filed and Sources of Income 36
Part 2 — Exemptions and Itemized Deductions 60
Part 3 — Tax Computation 75
Section 4
Index of Terms Defined 84
Explanation of Terms 85
Section 5
High Income Returns: Taxable and Nontaxable 101
Section 6
1982 Forms and Instructions 121
Section 7
Index 175
User Survey Form
statistics of Income
The SOI Bulletin provides the earliest published annual financial statistics from the various types of tax and information returns filed with the Internal Revenue Service. The Bulletin also includes information from periodic or special analytical studies of particular Interest to tax administrators. In addition, historical data from 1970 to the present are provided for selected types of taxpayers, as well as on tax rates for individuals and gross internal revenue collections.
The SOI Bulletin is published quarterly and available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office during the following months:
Summer Issue July
Fall Issue October
Winter Issue January
Spring Issue April
See Order Blank Below
The following topics are among those described and analyzed in the SOI Bulletin:
• Controlled foreign corporations
• Corporation income tax returns
• Domestic international sales corporations
• Employee benefit plans
• Private foundations
• Projections of return filings
• Residential energy credit
• Safe harbor leasing
Estate tax returns
Foreign source Income of U.b. taxpayers Individual income by ZIP code area Individual income tax returns
• Sales of capital assets
• Sole proprietorship returns
• Superfund for environmental taxes
• Taxpayers age 65 or over
Investment tax credit Marginal and average tax rates Occupation data Partnership returns
• The underground economy
• Trends In personal wealth
• Trends In selected Industries
• Windfall profit tax
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Description of SOI Bulletin v
Guide to Tables vil
Section 1
Introduction and Changes in Law:
Requirements for Filing 1
Number of Returns and Sources of Income 2
Itemized Deductions 3
Computation of Tax 3
Geographic Coverage 6
Changes in Law 9
Administrative IRS Changes 14
Section 2
Sources of the Data, Description of the Sample and Limitations of the Data:
Sample Selection 15
Sample Design and Selection Criteria 15
Method of Estimation 17
Sampling Variability and Confidence Intervals 17
Processing and Management of the Sample 18
Section 3
Basic Tables:
Part 1 — Returns Filed and Sources of Income 36
Part 2 — Exemptions and Itemized Deductions 60
Part 3 — Tax Computation 75
Section 4
Index of Terms Defined 84
Explanation of Terms 85
Section 5
High Income Returns: Taxable and Nontaxable 101
Section 6
1982 Forms and Instructions 121
Section 7
Index 175
User Survey Form
' Inter • Ur ' Occ:
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Statistics of Income
The SOI Bulletin provides the earliest published annual financial statistics from the various types of tcix and information returns filed with the Internal Revenue Service. The Bulletin also includes information from periodic or special analytical studies of particular interest to tax administrators. In addition, historical data from 1970 to the present are provided for selected types of taxpayers, as well as on tax rates for individuals and gross internal revenue collections.
The SOI Bulletin is published quarterly and available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office during the following months:
Summer Issue July
Fall Issue October
Winter Issue January
Spring Issue April
See Order Blank Below
The following topics are among those described and analyzed in the SOI Bulletin:
• Controlled foreign corporations
• Corporation income tax returns
• Domestic international sales corporations
• Employee benefit plans
Private foundations Projections of return filings Residential energy credit Safe harbor leasing
Estate tax returns
Foreign source income of U.S. taxpayers Individual income by ZIP code area Individual income tax returns
• Sales of capital assets
• Sole proprietorship returns
• Superfund for environmental taxes
• Taxpayers age 65 or over
• Investment tax credit
• Marginal and average tax rates
• Occupation data
• Partnership returns
• The underground economy
• Trends in personal wealth
• Trends in selected industries
• Windfall profit tax
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Statistics of Income
And Other Information Available
Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service
Publications are tor sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC. 20402
Regular Statistics of Income Reports
Statistics of Income (SOI) Bulletin (Quarterly) Publication 1136
Corporation income lu returns (prelimin«ry) Emptoyve benefit plans Estate tax returns Exempt organizations Foreign irxxxne and taxes Individual ir>corT>e lax returns (preliminary)
Nonresident alien income and tax
Partnership returns
Personal wealth
Protections of returns 10 tM filed
Sales of capital assets Sole proprietorship
returns Superfund for environmental taxes Underground economy Windfall profit tax
Historical statistics- Individual income tax returns Nontarm sole proprietorship returns Partnership returns Corporation income tax returns Internal Revenue collections Types of returns filed
Individual Income Tax Returns Publication 79
PTV49frta HlflMIIMUOfl GO —
Sourc«a of irKome Ad|ua*«d groaa income Ad)08tm«nl» to income Itemized deductions
Exemptions Taxable income Income lax Tax credits
Income tax withheld and estimated tax payments
Tax due and overpayment refunded
Data classified by— Size of ad|usted gross income States
Taxpayer's marital status and sex Taxpayers age 65 or over
Corporation Income Tax Returns Publication 16
Pre— nU Information on-
Recetpta Deductions Net income
Taxable income Income tax
Tax credits
Distributions to stockholders
Assets and liabilities
Data classified by- Industry. Accounting period Size of total assets Size of business receipts
Other Information Available
All the Items listed below, aa well as other unpublished or special tabulations from the STATISTICS OF INCOME PROGRAM, are available on a cost- reimboraable basis Further details, including ordering information, can be obtained by writing to Director, Statistics of Income Division D R S. Internal Revenue Service. 1111 Constitution Avenue. N W . Washington. D C 20224 Tape files indicated with an (A) are available (on a reimbursable basis) through the Machine Readable Archives Division (NRR) of the National Archives and Records Service. Washington D C 20408
Corporation Sourc* Book
Presents detailed income and balance sheet data classified by ir>dustry and size of total assets A general description is available upon request
Small Araa Data
Data on individual income tax returns, exemptions, and adjusted gross income are presented by State, county, and SMSA Also, the number of persons who moved from one location to another based on addresses shown on the returns A general description is available upon request
Public-Use Tape File*
Individual Tax fylodel 1966-78 (A) 1979-81 Corporation Source Book 1965-76 (A) 1977-81 Estate Tax Returns, 1972. 1976 Private Foundations, 1974 (A), 1979 Sole Proprietorships 1980
New Migration Data
County Data 1980-82 1982-83
Area to Area Flow Data. 1978-80 1980-81
Guide to Tables*
Accumulated size of adjusted gross income 1.1
Adjusted gross income:
All returns 1971-1982 C
By plus tax preferences 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D
Nontaxable returns, 1971-1982 C
State G
Additional tax for tax preferences F, 3.1
Adjustments 1 .4
Age exemptions 2.5, 2.6
Alternative income concepts:
See high income returns under various income concepts
Coefficient of Variation:
Adjusted gross income J, K, L
Sources of income K
Tax liability L
Tax payments L
Contributions deduction:
By size of adjusted gross income 2.1
Type of contributions 2.1
Cumulated number of returns by size of adjusted gross income 1.1
Deficit, size of, on nontaxable returns 1.5
Earned income credit:
Computation of 3.4
By marital status:
Number of exemptions 2.4
Type of exemption 2.4
By size of income:
Number of exemptions 2.3
Type of exemption 2.3
Expandsd income:
See high income returns under various income concepts
1040A returns I, 1.6
1040EZ returns H
Number of 1040, 1040A, and 1040EZ returns in the population and sample I
High income returns under various income concepts: With and without modified (world-wide) total
income tax 5B, 5D, 5E, 5.2, 5.4, 5.6, 5.8
With and without total income
tax 5A, 5C, 5E, 5.1, 5.3, 5.5, 5.7
Income averaging tax computation 3.1
Income tax:
See total income tax
Interest paid deduction:
By size of adjusted gross income 2.1
Interest deduction by type 2.1
Itemized deductions:
Comparison by size of adjusted gross
income, 1981 and 1982 D
High income returns:
Deductions as percent of income 5.5, 5.6
Item with largest tax effect 5.3, 5.4
Major types 2.1
Marital status on returns with 2.2
Sources of income on returns with 2.2
Joint returns:
See marital status
Marital status:
Exemptions by type 2.4
Itemized deduction returns 2.2
Number of returns by size of adjusted gross
income 1.2
Sources of income 1.3
Medical and dental expenses deduction:
By size of adjusted gross income 2.1
Medical and dental expenses by type 2.1
Miscellaneous deductions:
By size of adjusted gross income 2.1
Miscellaneous deductions by type 2.1
Nontaxable returns by size of adjusted gross income or deficit 1.5
Nontaxable returns, high income, by size of adjusted gross income 5A, 5.7, 5.8
Nontaxable returns, high income, 1979-1982 5E
See overpayment refunded
Sources of income:
Comparison of sources, 1981 to 1982 A
High Income returns 5.1, 5.2
Itemized deduction returns 2.2
Marital status 1.3
Number of exemptions 2.3
Size of adjusted gross income:
All returns 1.4
Form 1 040A returns 1.6
Taxpayers age 65 or over 2.^
*Basic tables are arranged in two sections in this report. Those table numbers with the first digit 1 through 3 can be found in Section 3 - Basic Tables. The first digit of the table number is the part in Section 3 where the table appears. Tables which have numbers with a beginning digit of 5 can be found in Section 5 - High Income Returns. After the table number has been located in the Guide, the thumb index on the back cover may be used to access the corresponding section or part of the report. There is also an index which can be found in Section 7.
Individual Returns/1982
State data:
Adjusted gross income G
Income tax S
Number of returns G
Statutory adjustments 1.4
Tax: See total income tax
Tax computation by type E, 3.1
Tax credits:
Type of credit by size of adjusted gross
income 3-3
Tax refund: See overpayment refunded Taxable income:
As a percent of various income concepts 5C
Modified taxable income as a percent of various income concepts 5D
Taxes paid deduction:
By size of adjusted gross income 2.1
By type of taxes 2.1
Taxpayers age 65 or over:
Marital status 2.6
Sources of income 2.5
Total income tax:
As percent of adjusted gross income 3.2
Returns classified by modified total income tax
as a percent of various income concepts 5.8
Returns classified by total income tax as a
percent of various income concepts 5.7
Size of adjusted gross income, cumulated 1.1
Type of tax computation 3.1
Section 1
Introduction and Changes in Law
The statistics presented in this report are estimates based on a stratified probability sample of individual income tax returns, selected before audit, and repre- sent coverage of the 95.3 million Forms 1040, 1040A, and 1040EZ filed by the nation's taxpayers for Income Year 1982. The number of returns filed for 1982 repre- sents a decrease of approximately 59,000 from those filed for 1981.
This report is organized into seven sections. This first section provides some summary data for 1982, as well as information on tax law changes from 1981 to 1982. In Section 2, there is a detailed description of the sample of income tax returns upon which the statistics for 1982 are based, as well as a discussion of the method of estimation used, the sampling varia- bility of the data, and other limitations. Section 3 presents the basic tables that contain statistics on income sources (Part 1), deductions and exemptions (Part 2), and the computation of tax liability (Part 3).
Section 4 contains, in alphabetical order, a detailed explanation of each of the terms used in the statis- tical tables. Section 5 presents data on High Income Tax Returns, prepared by the Department of the Treas- ury, Office of Tax Analysis. Special definitions apply to the terms used in this section, and are given in the accompanying text. Facsimiles of the more important tax return forms (and their instructions) from which the data were gathered for 1982 are reproduced in Sec- tion 6. Section 7 is an index to the information pro- vided in this report. The last page of the report is a User Survey, designed to enable the Internal Revenue Service to know which parts of this report are most important.
The Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, pro- vided the legal basis for tax activity detailed in this report. Criteria specified by the Internal Revenue Code covering the filing of a tax return and, therefore, determining the basic coverage of the information in this report are described below.
The principal criterion which determined whether an individual had to file a return was the size of gross income (all income received in the form of money, prop- erty, and services, that was not, by law, expressly exempt from taxation). For 1982, as for 1981, a return had to be filed by:
(1) a single person (other than spouse) under age 65 with gross income $3,300;
a surviving of at least
(2) a single person (other than a surviving spouse) age 65 or over with gross income of at least $4,300;
(3) a surviving spouse under age 65 with gross income of at least $4,400;
(4) a surviving spouse age 65 or over with gross income of at least $5,400;
(5) a married couple, filing a joint return, with both spouses under age 65 and with a combined gross income of at least $5,400;
(6) a married couple, filing a joirrt return, with one spouse age 65 or over and with a combined gross income of at least $6,400;
(7) a married couple, filing a joint return, with both spouses age 65 or over and with a combined gross income of at least $7,400; and
(8) a married person, regardless of age, whose spouse was filing a separate return, if that married person had a gross income of at least $1,000.
Notwithstanding these provisions, any individual who could be claimed as a dependent on another person's return had to file if he or she had "unearned income" (such as dividends, interest, or capital gains) of $1,000 or more. Three additional groups were required to file a tax return if their gross income exceeded $1,000. The three were: nonresident aliens, U.S. citi- zens entitled to special tax benefits because most of their gross income is from U.S. possession sources, and individuals fi-ling short period returns because of changes in their annual accounting period. Self- employed persons had to file if they had "self-employ- ment income" of at least $400, in order to pay self- employment tax. Any person who received any advance earned income credit payments from an employer in 1982 was also required to file. In addition, even if income was less than the above amounts, an individual had to file a return for taxes owed for social security on tips not reported to an employer, minimum tax, tax on an individual retirement arrangement, and tax from recomputing prior-year investment credit.
Data shown in this report that cover returns from taxpayers with income levels below those listed are generally limited to individuals filing for a refund of income tax withheld or to obtain the earned income credit.
Most taxpayers were required to file tax returns within three and one-half months after the close of their accounting periods. Since the accounting period used by nearly all individuals for Tax Year 1982 was the calendar year, this meant that returns were due by April 15, 1983. However, each taxpayer could be granted, upon request, one automatic four-month exten- sion of time to file. In addition, U.S. citizens residing or traveling outside the United States and Puerto Rico on the due date were automatically granted (without requesting) a two-month extension.
*This report was prepared under the direction of David Paris, Chief, Returns Analysis Section, Individual Statistics Branch. Susan Hostetter was responsible for production of this report. She was assisted by Marshall Epstein (technical matters). Dawn Nester and Ginger Newbold (typing).
Individual Returns/1982
Table A. — Sources of Income and Selected Tax Items, 1981 and 1982
[All figures are estimates based on samples — money amounts are in thousands of dollars]
Change, 1981 to 1982
Number of returns, total.
Adjusted gross income less deficit
Sources of Income:
Salaries and wages
Interest and dividends:
Interest received
Dividends received
Interest and dividends in adjusted gross income
Business or profession net profit less loss
Sales of capital assets net gain less loss
Sales of property other than capital assets net gain less loss.
Pensions and annuities in adjusted gross income
Rent net income less loss
Royalty net income less loss
Estate or trust net income less loss
Farm net rental income less loss
Partnership net profit less loss
Small Business Corporation net profit less loss
Farm net profit less loss
All other sources (net)
Total statutory adjustments
Total itemized deductions
Number of exemptions
Taxable income
Zero bracket amount
Income tax before credits. Total credits
Income tax after credits. .
Additional tax for tax preferences:
Minimum tax
Alternative minimum tax
Total income tax
Self-employment tax
Total tax liability
95,396,123 76,724,724 18,671,399
1,826,960 565,641
1,261,318 284,128,989
6,687,400 291,126,542
95,337,432 77,035,300 18,302,132
1 277
6 284
,519,921 450,706 ,069,214 ,597,290 ,827,299 ,707,890
,109 ,365 ,180 ,465 ,193 ,659 ,760 ,415 ,913 ,764 ,860 ,759 ,586 ,590 ,267
709,455 -9,658,173 -3,433,512 -6,224,660
-307,039 -114,935 -192,104
-6,331,699 139,899
Consists of State income tax refunds, windfall profit tax refunds less net adjustment withheld, alimony, unemployment compensation in adjusted gross income, and other income 1 NOTE: Detail may not add to total because of rounding.
for windfall profit tax ess loss.
Table A shows that there were 95.3 minion returns filed for Tax Year 1982— a decrease of about 59,000 from 1981. Taxable returns increased by 311,000 to 77.0 million while nontaxable returns dropped by 369,000 to 18.3 million. Despite the essentially stable filing population there were increases in income from salaries and wages, interest, pensions, dividends, royalties, and sales of capital assets. None of these items increased as fast as they had for 1981. For Tax Year 1982 salaries and wages increased by 5.3 percent from Income Year 1981. As in previous years most sources of investment income increased at a faster rate than salaries and wages. For instance, dividends received increased by 12.2 percent and interest income rose 11.7 percent from Tax Year 1981. In addition,
royalties grew by 8.4 percent. Although not a source of investment income, pensions and annuities increased by 15.9 percent [1]. More details on the number of returns and sources of Income are shown in the tables of Section 3, Part 1.
Tables A, B, and C show the movement of returns into higher income classes, a trend continued from previous years. As seen in Figure A, one result of this shift was a reduction in the number of nontaxable returns. Since 1977 the proportion of nontaxable returns to total returns has declined each year. The most sig- nificant cause of this yearly decline seems to have been the large drop in the number of returns with incomes under $5,000. Figure B shows the downward movement in the amount of nontaxable returns as a per- centage of total returns for recent years.
Individual Returns/1 982
Table B. — Number of Returns by Size of Adjusted Gross Income and by Marital Status, 1981 and 1982 [All figures are estimates based on samples]
Size of adjusted gross income and marital status
Change, 1981 to 1982
Number of returns for all adjusted gross income classes.
Joint returns of husbands and wives
Separate returns of husbands and wives
Returns of heads of households
Returns of surviving spouses
Returns of single persons
Under $5,000, total*
Joint returns of husbands and wives
Separate returns of husbands and wives
Returns of heads of households â–
Returns of surviving spouses
Returns of single persons
$5,000 under $10,000, total
Joint returns of husbands and wives.... Separate returns of husbands and wives.
Returns of heads of households
Returns of surviving spouses
Returns of single persons
$10,000 under $15,000, total
Joint returns of husbands and wives.... Separate returns of husbands and wives.
Returns of heads of households
Returns of surviving spouses
Returns of single persons
$15,000 under $20,000, total
Joint returns of husbands and wives.... Separate returns of husbands and wives.
Returns of heads of households
Returns of surviving spouses
Returns of single persons
$20,000 under $25,000, total
Joint returns of husbands and wives.... Separate returns of husbands and wives.
Returns of heads of households
Returns of surviving spouses
Returns of single persons
$25 , 000 or more , total
Joint returns of husbands and wives.... Separate returns of husbands and wives.
Returns of heads of households
Returns of surviving spouses
Returns of single persons
14,306,781 5,519,737
241,765 2,173,262
*15,695 6,356,322
5,444,083 136,356
1,160,502 *15,326
-794,342 130,730 -44,500
-165,428 -3,979
-611,025 -277,914
113,621 205,518 -62,959 213,104 -961 -241,081
*Estimate should be used with caution because of the small number ^Includes returns with no adjusted gross income.
of sample returns on which it is based.
Table D indicates a continuing shift towards itemiz- ing deductions in 1982, with 1.9 million more returns for Tax Year 1982 than for 1981 showing itemized deduc- tions. This increase in itemized deductions was due in part to the rise in average adjusted gross income which led to higher amounts that could be claimed as a sales tax deduction and as a contributions deduction. The lack of an increase in the zero bracket amount also contributed to this increase. Another important factor contributing to the rise in itemized deductions was a large increase in medical deductions resulting primarily from substantial increases in physician fees and private hospital charges [2].
The percentage of returns with itemized deductions has almost risen to its level in 1974, the year preced- ing a period of major law changes which increased the
standard deduction and later ffor 1977) introduced the zero bracket amount. Figure C shows the percentage of returns with itemized deductions over a ten-year period.
Details on the types of itemized deductions, as well as the types of exemptions, for 1982 are found in the tables in Section 3, Part 2.
The taxpayer, in determining the 1982 total tax liability, had to take into account several factors. These included:
(1) "income subject to tax," generally adjusted
4 Individual Returns/1982
Table C. — All Returns and Nontaxable Returns, by Size of Adjusted Gross Income, 1971-1982
(All tigures are estimates based on samples]
All relurns |
Nonlaxabie |
returns |
All relurns |
Nontaxable |
relurns |
All returns |
Nontaxable |
relurns |
Size of adjusted grdss income |
Number |
Percenl of all returns |
Number |
Percenl ol all relurns |
Number |
Percenl 01 all returns |
1971 |
1972 |
1973 |
Total |
74,576,407 27.155.048 21,443.479 14,604.270 6,453,851 2,377.638 968.565 1.077.844 404.692 72.856 15.089 2.192 883 |
14.660,035 14.002.305 602.100 37.416 7,834 4.475 1.642 2.884 1.076 216 67 12 3 |
19.7 51 5 28 03 0 1 02 02 03 03 03 04 0.5 0,3 |
77,572,720 26.963.312 21.175.854 15.364.155 7.773.413 3.093.728 1.266.377 1.337.578 483,677 91,707 19.233 2.666 1.030 |
16,703,713 15.738.952 850.252 79.852 18.266 6.388 4.734 3.254 1.590 317 88 14 6 |
21,5 58 4 40 05 02 02 04 02 03 03 05 05 06 |
80,692,587 27.037,618 20.581.732 15.804.109 9.091.001 3.943.993 1.741.991 1.759.837 596.663 110.176 21.929 2.635 903 |
16.425,425 15.491.830 797.608 77.445 33.242 9.769 5,131 7.312 2.466 456 142 15 7 |
20.4 |
Under S5 000 |
573 |
S5 000 under 510 000 |
39 |
S10 000 under $15 000 |
05 |
04 |
S20 000 under S25 000 |
02 |
$25,000 under $30,000 $30,000 under $50.000 $50 000 under $100 000 |
0.3 04 04 |
$100,000 under $200.000 $200,000 under $500.000 $500,000 under $1.000.000 |
04 0.6 0.6 0.8 |
1974 |
1975 |
1976 |
Total |
83,340,190 26.765,673 20.586.617 15.670.258 10.071.087 4.944.795 2.259.928 2.173.868 700.528 135.304 26.842 3.194 1.096 |
16,005,423 15.046.441 797.997 104.725 25.517 |